Student Life (6-12th Grades), is our family-based student ministry that prepares students for a life of discipleship through large group experiences (retreats and camps) and weekly small groups.

We work hard to create a family-friendly experience where students can both spend time with peers and alongside their parents.

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
during the school-year

Middle School
6th, 7th, & 8th Graders
Leaders: Matt & Whitney Cheek / Greg & Jill Bloyd

High School
9th - 12th Graders
Leaders: Ben & Jessica Huddleston


Conversation Starters for Parents and Teens

It can be tough to find the right time and place to have deep conversations with your teen. However, these types of conversations are crucial for a healthy parent-child relationship. Use this FREE download with tons of conversation starters to help you keep communication open!

Meet Our Leaders

Noel & Ashley Arnold, Matt & Whitney Cheek lead our Middle School small groups. Ben & Jessica Huddleston lead our High School small groups.

Student Life Wednesday Nights


    All students begin with a simple snack supper together as one group in our cafe. This time of breaking bread (er…pizza?) together is a valuable time to build relationships.

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    Our groups split after supper into their age-graded groups. Both groups watch a brief engaging video of the night’s teaching with a focus on living like Jesus.

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    Every student gathers with their small group to talk about the night's teaching, connect about life, and challenge each other to grow. Our small groups are led by amazing adult small-group leaders.